%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0 %%BoundingBox: 72.0 72.0 540.0 720.0 %%Creator: Mathematica %%CreationDate: Wed Sep 4 16:19:58 GMT-0600 1991 %%EndComments /Mathdict 100 dict def Mathdict begin /Mlmarg 1.0 72 mul def /Mrmarg 1.0 72 mul def /Mbmarg 1.0 72 mul def /Mtmarg 1.0 72 mul def /Mwidth 8.5 72 mul def /Mheight 11 72 mul def /Mtransform { } bind def /Mnodistort true def /Mfixwid false def /Mfixdash false def /Mrot 0 def /Mpstart { MathPictureStart } bind def /Mpend { MathPictureEnd } bind def /Mscale { 0 1 0 1 5 -1 roll MathScale } bind def /ISOLatin1Encoding dup where { pop pop } { [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /minus /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dotlessi /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /dieresis /.notdef /ring /cedilla /.notdef /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron /space /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen /registered /macron /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def } ifelse /MFontDict 50 dict def /MStrCat { exch dup length 2 index length add string dup 3 1 roll copy length exch dup 4 2 roll exch putinterval } def /MCreateEncoding { 1 index 255 string cvs (-) MStrCat 1 index MStrCat cvn exch (Encoding) MStrCat cvn dup where { exch get } { pop StandardEncoding } ifelse 3 1 roll dup MFontDict exch known not { 1 index findfont dup length dict begin {1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse} forall /Encoding 3 index def currentdict end 1 index exch definefont pop MFontDict 1 index null put } if exch pop exch pop } def /ISOLatin1 { (ISOLatin1) MCreateEncoding } def /ISO8859 { (ISOLatin1) MCreateEncoding } def /Mcopyfont { dup maxlength dict exch { 1 index /FID eq { pop pop } { 2 index 3 1 roll put } ifelse } forall } def /Plain /Courier findfont Mcopyfont definefont pop /Bold /Courier-Bold findfont Mcopyfont definefont pop /Italic /Courier-Oblique findfont Mcopyfont definefont pop /MathPictureStart { gsave Mtransform Mlmarg Mbmarg translate /Mtmatrix matrix currentmatrix def /Mgmatrix matrix currentmatrix def } bind def /MathPictureEnd { grestore } bind def /MathSubStart { Momatrix Mgmatrix Mtmatrix Mlmarg Mrmarg Mbmarg Mtmarg Mwidth Mheight 11 -2 roll moveto Mtmatrix setmatrix currentpoint Mgmatrix setmatrix 13 -2 roll moveto Mtmatrix setmatrix currentpoint 2 copy translate /Mtmatrix matrix currentmatrix def /Mlmarg 0 def /Mrmarg 0 def /Mbmarg 0 def /Mtmarg 0 def 3 -1 roll exch sub /Mheight exch def sub /Mwidth exch def } bind def /MathSubEnd { /Mheight exch def /Mwidth exch def /Mtmarg exch def /Mbmarg exch def /Mrmarg exch def /Mlmarg exch def /Mtmatrix exch def dup setmatrix /Mgmatrix exch def /Momatrix exch def } bind def /Mdot { moveto 0 0 rlineto stroke } bind def /Mtetra { moveto lineto lineto lineto fill } bind def /Metetra { moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath gsave fill grestore 0 setgray stroke } bind def /Mistroke { flattenpath 0 0 0 { 4 2 roll pop pop } { 4 -1 roll 2 index sub dup mul 4 -1 roll 2 index sub dup mul add sqrt 4 -1 roll add 3 1 roll } { stop } { stop } pathforall pop pop currentpoint stroke moveto currentdash 3 -1 roll add setdash } bind def /Mfstroke { stroke currentdash pop 0 setdash } bind def /Mrotsboxa { gsave dup /Mrot exch def Mrotcheck Mtmatrix dup setmatrix 7 1 roll 4 index 4 index translate rotate 3 index -1 mul 3 index -1 mul translate /Mtmatrix matrix currentmatrix def grestore Msboxa 3 -1 roll /Mtmatrix exch def /Mrot 0 def } bind def /Msboxa { newpath 5 -1 roll Mvboxa pop Mboxout 6 -1 roll 5 -1 roll 4 -1 roll Msboxa1 5 -3 roll Msboxa1 Mboxrot [ 7 -2 roll 2 copy [ 3 1 roll 10 -1 roll 9 -1 roll ] 6 1 roll 5 -2 roll ] } bind def /Msboxa1 { sub 2 div dup 2 index 1 add mul 3 -1 roll -1 add 3 -1 roll mul } bind def /Mvboxa { Mfixwid { Mvboxa1 } { dup Mwidthcal 0 exch { add } forall exch Mvboxa1 4 index 7 -1 roll add 4 -1 roll pop 3 1 roll } ifelse } bind def /Mvboxa1 { gsave newpath [ true 3 -1 roll { Mbbox 5 -1 roll { 0 5 1 roll } { 7 -1 roll exch sub (m) stringwidth pop .3 mul sub 7 1 roll 6 -1 roll 4 -1 roll Mmin 3 -1 roll 5 index add 5 -1 roll 4 -1 roll Mmax 4 -1 roll } ifelse false } forall { stop } if counttomark 1 add 4 roll ] grestore } bind def /Mbbox { 1 dict begin 0 0 moveto /temp (T) def { gsave currentpoint newpath moveto temp 0 3 -1 roll put temp false charpath flattenpath currentpoint pathbbox grestore moveto lineto moveto} forall pathbbox newpath end } bind def /Mmin { 2 copy gt { exch } if pop } bind def /Mmax { 2 copy lt { exch } if pop } bind def /Mrotshowa { dup /Mrot exch def Mrotcheck Mtmatrix dup setmatrix 7 1 roll 4 index 4 index translate rotate 3 index -1 mul 3 index -1 mul translate /Mtmatrix matrix currentmatrix def Mgmatrix setmatrix Mshowa /Mtmatrix exch def /Mrot 0 def } bind def /Mshowa { 4 -2 roll moveto 2 index Mtmatrix setmatrix Mvboxa 7 1 roll Mboxout 6 -1 roll 5 -1 roll 4 -1 roll Mshowa1 4 1 roll Mshowa1 rmoveto currentpoint Mfixwid { Mshowax } { Mshoway } ifelse pop pop pop pop Mgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /Mshowax { 0 1 4 index length -1 add { 2 index 4 index 2 index get 3 index add moveto 4 index exch get Mfixdash { Mfixdashp } if show } for } bind def /Mfixdashp { dup length 1 gt 1 index true exch { 45 eq and } forall and { gsave (--) stringwidth pop (-) stringwidth pop sub 2 div 0 rmoveto dup length 1 sub { (-) show } repeat grestore } if } bind def /Mshoway { 3 index Mwidthcal 5 1 roll 0 1 4 index length -1 add { 2 index 4 index 2 index get 3 index add moveto 4 index exch get [ 6 index aload length 2 add -1 roll { pop Strform stringwidth pop neg exch add 0 rmoveto } exch kshow cleartomark } for pop } bind def /Mwidthcal { [ exch { Mwidthcal1 } forall ] [ exch dup Maxlen -1 add 0 1 3 -1 roll { [ exch 2 index { 1 index Mget exch } forall pop Maxget exch } for pop ] Mreva } bind def /Mreva { [ exch aload length -1 1 {1 roll} for ] } bind def /Mget { 1 index length -1 add 1 index ge { get } { pop pop 0 } ifelse } bind def /Maxlen { [ exch { length } forall Maxget } bind def /Maxget { counttomark -1 add 1 1 3 -1 roll { pop Mmax } for exch pop } bind def /Mwidthcal1 { [ exch { Strform stringwidth pop } forall ] } bind def /Strform { /tem (x) def tem 0 3 -1 roll put tem } bind def /Mshowa1 { 2 copy add 4 1 roll sub mul sub -2 div } bind def /MathScale { Mwidth Mlmarg Mrmarg add sub Mheight Mbmarg Mtmarg add sub 0 0 moveto 1 index 0 lineto 2 copy lineto 0 1 index lineto clip newpath Mlp translate dup /Mathabs exch def scale /yscale exch def /ybias exch def /xscale exch def /xbias exch def /Momatrix xscale yscale matrix scale xbias ybias matrix translate matrix concatmatrix def /Mgmatrix matrix currentmatrix def } bind def /Mlp { 3 copy Mlpfirst { Mnodistort { Mmin dup } if 4 index 2 index 2 index Mlprun 11 index 11 -1 roll 10 -4 roll Mlp1 8 index 9 -5 roll Mlp1 4 -1 roll and { exit } if 3 -1 roll pop pop } loop exch 3 1 roll 7 -3 roll pop pop pop } bind def /Mlpfirst { 3 -1 roll dup length 2 copy -2 add get aload pop pop pop 4 -2 roll -1 add get aload pop pop pop 6 -1 roll 3 -1 roll 5 -1 roll sub div 4 1 roll exch sub div } bind def /Mlprun { 2 copy 4 index 0 get dup 4 1 roll Mlprun1 3 copy 8 -2 roll 9 -1 roll { 3 copy Mlprun1 3 copy 11 -3 roll /gt Mlpminmax 8 3 roll 11 -3 roll /lt Mlpminmax 8 3 roll } forall pop pop pop pop 3 1 roll pop pop aload pop 5 -1 roll aload pop exch 6 -1 roll Mlprun2 8 2 roll 4 -1 roll Mlprun2 6 2 roll 3 -1 roll Mlprun2 4 2 roll exch Mlprun2 6 2 roll } bind def /Mlprun1 { aload pop exch 6 -1 roll 5 -1 roll mul add 4 -2 roll mul 3 -1 roll add } bind def /Mlprun2 { 2 copy add 2 div 3 1 roll exch sub } bind def /Mlpminmax { cvx 2 index 6 index 2 index exec { 7 -3 roll 4 -1 roll } if 1 index 5 index 3 -1 roll exec { 4 1 roll pop 5 -1 roll aload pop pop 4 -1 roll aload pop [ 8 -2 roll pop 5 -2 roll pop 6 -2 roll pop 5 -1 roll ] 4 1 roll pop } { pop pop pop } ifelse } bind def /Mlp1 { 5 index 3 index sub 5 index 2 index mul 1 index le 1 index 0 le or dup not { 1 index 3 index div .99999 mul 8 -1 roll pop 7 1 roll } if 8 -1 roll 2 div 7 -2 roll pop sub 5 index 6 -3 roll pop pop mul sub exch } bind def /intop 0 def /inrht 0 def /inflag 0 def /outflag 0 def /xadrht 0 def /xadlft 0 def /yadtop 0 def /yadbot 0 def /Minner { outflag 1 eq { /outflag 0 def /intop 0 def /inrht 0 def } if 5 index gsave Mtmatrix setmatrix Mvboxa pop grestore 3 -1 roll pop dup intop gt { /intop exch def } { pop } ifelse dup inrht gt { /inrht exch def } { pop } ifelse pop /inflag 1 def } bind def /Mouter { /xadrht 0 def /xadlft 0 def /yadtop 0 def /yadbot 0 def inflag 1 eq { dup 0 lt { dup intop mul neg /yadtop exch def } if dup 0 gt { dup intop mul /yadbot exch def } if pop dup 0 lt { dup inrht mul neg /xadrht exch def } if dup 0 gt { dup inrht mul /xadlft exch def } if pop /outflag 1 def } { pop pop} ifelse /inflag 0 def /inrht 0 def /intop 0 def } bind def /Mboxout { outflag 1 eq { 4 -1 roll xadlft leadjust add sub 4 1 roll 3 -1 roll yadbot leadjust add sub 3 1 roll exch xadrht leadjust add add exch yadtop leadjust add add /outflag 0 def /xadlft 0 def /yadbot 0 def /xadrht 0 def /yadtop 0 def } if } bind def /leadjust { (m) stringwidth pop .5 mul } bind def /Mrotcheck { dup 90 eq { yadbot /yadbot xadrht def /xadrht yadtop def /yadtop xadlft def /xadlft exch def } if dup cos 1 index sin Checkaux dup cos 1 index sin neg exch Checkaux 3 1 roll pop pop } bind def /Checkaux { 4 index exch 4 index mul 3 1 roll mul add 4 1 roll } bind def /Mboxrot { Mrot 90 eq { brotaux 4 2 roll } if Mrot 180 eq { 4 2 roll brotaux 4 2 roll brotaux } if Mrot 270 eq { 4 2 roll brotaux } if } bind def /brotaux { neg exch neg } bind def /Mabswid { Mathabs div setlinewidth } bind def /Mabsdash { exch Mathabs [ 3 1 roll exch { exch dup 3 -1 roll exch div exch } forall pop ] exch setdash } bind def /MBeginOrig { Momatrix concat} bind def /MEndOrig { Mgmatrix setmatrix} bind def /colorimage where { pop } { /colorimage { 3 1 roll pop pop 5 -1 roll mul 4 1 roll { currentfile 1 index readhexstring pop } image } bind def } ifelse /sampledsound where { pop} { /sampledsound { exch pop exch 5 1 roll mul 4 idiv mul 2 idiv exch pop exch /Mtempproc exch def { Mtempproc pop} repeat } bind def } ifelse /setcmykcolor where { pop} { /setcmykcolor { 4 1 roll [ 4 1 roll ] { 1 index sub 1 sub neg dup 0 lt { pop 0 } if dup 1 gt { pop 1 } if exch } forall pop setrgbcolor } bind def } ifelse %! %%Creator: Mathematica %%AspectRatio: 0.61803 MathPictureStart /Courier findfont 24 scalefont setfont % Scaling calculations 6.93889e-18 0.0166667 1.00431 0.154508 [ [(10)] 0.16667 0 0 2 Msboxa [(20)] 0.33333 0 0 2 Msboxa [(30)] 0.5 0 0 2 Msboxa [(40)] 0.66667 0 0 2 Msboxa [(50)] 0.83333 0 0 2 Msboxa [(60)] 1 0 0 2 Msboxa [(-6.5)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Msboxa [(-6.0)] -0.0125 0.07725 1 0 Msboxa [(-5.5)] -0.0125 0.15451 1 0 Msboxa [(-5)] -0.0125 0.23176 1 0 Msboxa [(-4.5)] -0.0125 0.30902 1 0 Msboxa [(-4)] -0.0125 0.38627 1 0 Msboxa [(-3.5)] -0.0125 0.46353 1 0 Msboxa [(-3)] -0.0125 0.54078 1 0 Msboxa [(-2.5)] -0.0125 0.61803 1 0 Msboxa [ -0.001 -0.001 0 0 ] [ 1.001 0.61903 0 0 ] ] MathScale % Start of Graphics 1 setlinecap 1 setlinejoin newpath %%Object: Graphics [ ] 0 setdash 0 setgray gsave gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0.16667 0 moveto 0.16667 0.00625 lineto stroke grestore [(10)] 0.16667 0 0 2 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0.33333 0 moveto 0.33333 0.00625 lineto stroke grestore [(20)] 0.33333 0 0 2 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0.5 0 moveto 0.5 0.00625 lineto stroke grestore [(30)] 0.5 0 0 2 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0.66667 0 moveto 0.66667 0.00625 lineto stroke grestore [(40)] 0.66667 0 0 2 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0.83333 0 moveto 0.83333 0.00625 lineto stroke grestore [(50)] 0.83333 0 0 2 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 1 0 moveto 1 0.00625 lineto stroke grestore [(60)] 1 0 0 2 Mshowa gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.03333 0 moveto 0.03333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.06667 0 moveto 0.06667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.1 0 moveto 0.1 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.13333 0 moveto 0.13333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.2 0 moveto 0.2 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.23333 0 moveto 0.23333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.26667 0 moveto 0.26667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.3 0 moveto 0.3 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.36667 0 moveto 0.36667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.4 0 moveto 0.4 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.43333 0 moveto 0.43333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.46667 0 moveto 0.46667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.53333 0 moveto 0.53333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.56667 0 moveto 0.56667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.6 0 moveto 0.6 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.63333 0 moveto 0.63333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.7 0 moveto 0.7 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.73333 0 moveto 0.73333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.76667 0 moveto 0.76667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.8 0 moveto 0.8 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.86667 0 moveto 0.86667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.9 0 moveto 0.9 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.93333 0 moveto 0.93333 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0.96667 0 moveto 0.96667 0.00375 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 0.00625 0 lineto stroke grestore [(-6.5)] -0.0125 0 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.07725 moveto 0.00625 0.07725 lineto stroke grestore [(-6.0)] -0.0125 0.07725 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.15451 moveto 0.00625 0.15451 lineto stroke grestore [(-5.5)] -0.0125 0.15451 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.23176 moveto 0.00625 0.23176 lineto stroke grestore [(-5.0)] -0.0125 0.23176 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.30902 moveto 0.00625 0.30902 lineto stroke grestore [(-4.5)] -0.0125 0.30902 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.38627 moveto 0.00625 0.38627 lineto stroke grestore [(-4.0)] -0.0125 0.38627 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.46353 moveto 0.00625 0.46353 lineto stroke grestore [(-3.5)] -0.0125 0.46353 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.54078 moveto 0.00625 0.54078 lineto stroke grestore %[(-3)] -0.0125 0.54078 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0.61803 moveto 0.00625 0.61803 lineto stroke grestore [(-2.5)] -0.0125 0.61803 1 0 Mshowa gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.01545 moveto 0.00375 0.01545 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.0309 moveto 0.00375 0.0309 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.04635 moveto 0.00375 0.04635 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.0618 moveto 0.00375 0.0618 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.09271 moveto 0.00375 0.09271 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.10816 moveto 0.00375 0.10816 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.12361 moveto 0.00375 0.12361 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.13906 moveto 0.00375 0.13906 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.16996 moveto 0.00375 0.16996 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.18541 moveto 0.00375 0.18541 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.20086 moveto 0.00375 0.20086 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.21631 moveto 0.00375 0.21631 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.24721 moveto 0.00375 0.24721 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.26266 moveto 0.00375 0.26266 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.27812 moveto 0.00375 0.27812 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.29357 moveto 0.00375 0.29357 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.32447 moveto 0.00375 0.32447 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.33992 moveto 0.00375 0.33992 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.35537 moveto 0.00375 0.35537 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.37082 moveto 0.00375 0.37082 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.40172 moveto 0.00375 0.40172 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.41717 moveto 0.00375 0.41717 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.43262 moveto 0.00375 0.43262 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.44807 moveto 0.00375 0.44807 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.47898 moveto 0.00375 0.47898 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.49443 moveto 0.00375 0.49443 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.50988 moveto 0.00375 0.50988 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.52533 moveto 0.00375 0.52533 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.55623 moveto 0.00375 0.55623 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.57168 moveto 0.00375 0.57168 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.58713 moveto 0.00375 0.58713 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.001 setlinewidth 0 0.60258 moveto 0.00375 0.60258 lineto stroke grestore gsave 0.002 setlinewidth 0 0 moveto 0 0.61803 lineto stroke grestore grestore 0 0 moveto 1 0 lineto 1 0.61803 lineto 0 0.61803 lineto closepath clip newpath gsave gsave gsave 0.008 setlinewidth 0.01667 0.54841 Mdot 0.03333 0.46862 Mdot 0.05 0.41551 Mdot 0.06667 0.37521 Mdot 0.08333 0.34274 Mdot 0.11667 0.29246 Mdot 0.16667 0.23867 Mdot 0.25 0.17942 Mdot 0.33333 0.14045 Mdot 0.41667 0.11278 Mdot 0.5 0.09194 Mdot 0.58333 0.07529 Mdot 0.66667 0.06116 Mdot 0.75 0.04838 Mdot 0.83333 0.03611 Mdot 0.91667 0.02375 Mdot grestore grestore gsave gsave gsave 0.004 setlinewidth 0.01667 0.54841 moveto 0.02604 0.49943 lineto 0.03542 0.46081 lineto 0.05417 0.40443 lineto 0.07292 0.36223 lineto 0.09167 0.32853 lineto 0.12917 0.27689 lineto 0.16667 0.23867 lineto 0.20417 0.20819 lineto 0.24167 0.1841 lineto 0.27917 0.16394 lineto 0.31667 0.14706 lineto 0.35417 0.13265 lineto 0.39167 0.12016 lineto 0.42917 0.10929 lineto 0.46667 0.09963 lineto 0.50417 0.09102 lineto 0.54167 0.0832 lineto 0.57917 0.07605 lineto 0.61667 0.0694 lineto 0.65417 0.06317 lineto 0.69167 0.05722 lineto 0.72917 0.05149 lineto 0.76667 0.0459 lineto 0.80417 0.04039 lineto 0.84167 0.03489 lineto 0.87917 0.02936 lineto 0.91667 0.02375 lineto stroke grestore grestore grestore grestore % End of Graphics MathPictureEnd end /Times findfont 28 scalefont setfont 440 230 moveto (C/1000) show 10 490 moveto (log) show /Times findfont 20 scalefont setfont 54 480 moveto %(10) show /Symbol findfont 28 scalefont setfont 62 490 moveto (\104) show stroke showpage