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Ingrid Milosev
Contact information
- Office:
- Address:
Jozef Stefan Institute, Dept. of Physical and Organic
Chemistry, Jamova 39, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Phone: +386 61 1773 452
- Fax: +386 61 219 385
- Email:
- Home:
- Address:
Pavsiceva 24,
1370 Logatec, Slovenia
Biographical sketch
- B.Sc. in Chemical Technology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, 1986
- M.Sc. in Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1991
- Ph.D. in Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1993
- postdoctoral associate, J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1993-1997
- research associate, J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia 1997-
Areas of research
- Electrochemistry
- Surface Analysis
- Biomaterials - orthopaedic implant degradation
- Nitride Coatings
Scientific cooperation with:
- Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry, University of D(sseldorf, Germany
- Department of Electrochemistry, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Department of Physics, University Tre, Rome, Italy
Scientific publications:
- I. Milosev and M. Metikos-Hukovic,
Passive Films on 90Cu-10Ni Alloy; The Mechanism of Breakdown
in Chloride Containing Solutions,
J. Electrochem. Soc., 138, 61-67 (1991).
- M. Metikos-Hukovic and I. Milosev,
Electrochemical Methods in the Study of Localized
Corrosion Attack,
J. Appl. Electrochem., 22, 448-455 (1992).
- I. Milosev and M. Metikos-Hukovic,
Factors Influencing the Breakdown Susceptibility
of the Passive Film on Cu-Ni Alloy,
Corrosion, 48, 185-193 (1992).
- M. Metikos-Hukovic and I. Milosev,
Copper Sulphide Films: Electrocrystallization and
Photoelectrochemical Properties,
Slov. Chem. Soc. 39, 179-194 (1992).
- I. Milosev, M. Metikos-Hukovic, M. Drogowska, H. Menard and R. Brossard,
Breakdown of Passive Film on Copper in Bicarbonate Solutions
Containing Sulphate Ions,
J. Electrochem. Soc., 139, 2409-2418 (1992).
- I. Milosev and B. Navinsek,
The Effect of Post-Deposition Heat Treatment on Reactively Sputtered
CrNx and Cr(N,O) Coatings,
J. Electrochem. Soc.140, L30-L32 (1993).
- I. Milosev and B. Navinsek,
Corrosion Properties of Selected Cr-Based Hard and Protective
Surf. Coat. Technol., 60, 545-548 (1993).
- I. Milosev and B. Navinsek,
A Corrosion Study of TiN (PVD) Hard Coatings Deposited on Various
Surf. Coat. Technol., 63, 173-180 (1994).
- M. Metikos-Hukovic, S. Omanovic, R. Babic and I. Milosev,
An Electrochemical Study of Passive Films Formed on Ni-Cr,
Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem., 98, 1243-1249 (1994).
- I. Milosev, H.-H. Strehblow, B. Navinsek,
XPS in the Study of High Temperature Oxidation of CrN and TiN
Surf. Coat. Technol., 74/75, 897-902 (1995).
- I. Milosev, H.-H. Strehblow and B. Navinsek,
Electrochemical and Thermal Oxidation of TiN (PVD) Coatings
Studied by XPS
Surf. Inter. Anal., 23, 529-539 (1995).
- I. Milosev, H.-H. Strehblow, M. Gaberscek and B. Navinsek,
Electrochemical Oxidation of ZrN (PVD) Hard Coatings Studied by XPS
Surf. Inter. Anal., 24, 448-548 (1996).
- I. Milosev, J.-M. Abels, H.-H. Strehblow and B. Navinsek, M. Metikos-Hukovic,
High Temperature Oxidation of Thin CrN Coatings Deposited onto Steel,
J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A14(4), 2527-2534 (1996).
- P. Panjan, B. Navinsek, A. Cvelbar, A. Zalar, I. Milosev,
Oxidation of TiN, ZrN, TiZrN, CrN, TiCrN and TiN/CrN Multilayer Hard Coatings
Reactively Sputtered at Low Temperature
Thin Solid Films, 281/282, 298-301 (1996).
- I. Milosev, H.-H. Strehblow, B. Navinsek,
The Comparison of TiN, ZrN and CrN Hard Coatings: Electrochemical and
Thermal Oxidation
Thin Solid Films, 303, 246-254 (1997).
- I. Milosev, M. Metikos-Hukovic
The Behaviour of Cu-xNi (x=10-40 wt.%) Alloys in Alkaline Solutions Containing Chloride Ions
Electrochim. Acta, 42, 1537-1548 (1997).
- P. Panjan, B. Navinsek, I. Milosev,
Industrial Applications of CrN (PVD) Coatings Deposited at High and Low Temperatures
Surf. Coat. Technol., in press (1997).
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Last update made on Nov 7, 1997 by
Ingrid Milosev.