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Grisa Mocnik

Contact information

Address: Jozef Stefan Institute, Dept. of Physical and Organic Chemistry, Jamova 39, 1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 61 177 3523
Fax: +386 61 177 3811 or +386 61 219 385

Biographical sketch

Areas of research

 Photothermal phenomena:
  • thermal lensing,
  • beam deflection and
  • combined phenomena in heavily absorbing samples.

 Applications of photothermal spectrometry -
mainly detection of various substances in food and environment.

 Photoacoustics - some day in the future.

Experimental setup for studies of simultaneous
beam deflection and thermal lensing.

Scientific publications:

My links

Support free speach everywhere, including internet! blue ribbon
Two notes from the author: I believe in minimalism, hence my personal page looks the way it does :).

This document is NOT  under permanent construction, I have more important things to do.

Zur / Party

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Last update made on May 21, 1998.